在別人的LJ看到這個 蠻有趣的 credit silent_jing You know that you're a Ueda fangirl when… 1. Your favourite sport is boxing. ←老實說真的有想學 2. Guys who go around asking people to touch their abs are normal. ←噗..這只限上田竜也可以嗎XD 3. Doing push-ups throughout your solo segment during a concert shows character. 4. Running back and forth the stage during rehearsals because you have too much energy is okay. ←因為實在太可愛了呀 5. Your ideal guy should look like a princess. ←也只限竜也XD 6. Your favourite play of Shakespeare's is 'Romeo and Juliet'. 7. That's also the only play of Shakespeare's that you've read, or wanted to read, or heard of. ←舞台劇時真的沖去看書了..但當然沒恆心的人堅持不了多久XD 8. You want to visit Shakespeare's grave too. ←主要目的是看竜也的簽名吧 9. Eating like a monster is natural for guys. ←還是只限竜也XD 10. Your favourite way to greet large dogs is to make them stand on two feet and hug them. ←哈哈哈是上田竜也才會這樣吧XDD 11. You think it’s funny that you can't half-swallow a gummy bear and spit it out again because now you have something in common with Ueda. 12. A man is only man enough when he can climb with his bare hands up a rope to the top of a concert hall. 13. You have started used concession trailers for sale wearing long earrings. ←有比以前多了 14. Your favourite animals are mice, preferably with a bite mark on their ear. 15. You wouldn't mind being part of Ueda's harem. ←請讓我成為U的後宮之一 土下座 16. You are starting to consider a career as a hairstylist. 17. You want to eat all the food that Ueda sang about in 'Hara Pekoman'. ←總會找一天把它們全吃完的 used concession trailers for sale 18. You cried while listening to 'Love in Snow'. ←現場看的話肯定會XD 19. You watch 'Konkatsu!' only for Ueda. ←不然呢XD 20. You want to have four golden retrievers. ←給我一隻也夠了 21. You try to hypnotize ice-cream. 22. Tonkatsu is now your favourite food. 23. You forgave 'Dictator' for all its bad English. 24. Your favourite performance of 'Yorokobi no Uta' was the one from Cartoon KAT-TUN used concession trailers for sale II You, because Ueda looked so happy there. 25. You want to learn the piano. ←可以說現在彈的大部分也是KT的嗎XD 26. You think it's awesome when your idol flaps his arms flying around a concert area pretending to be a fairy. 27. You have pretended to be able to see fairies as well. ←可是別人都不相信啊 28. You want to buy a pair of black sandals. 29. You have contemplated falling to your knees in apology when you have made a mistake. 30. You realize that you don't mind Ueda smearing dog poop that he just stepped on onto you. 31. You don't mind people breaking your things and telling you: "A thing with shape will be broken used concession trailers for sale some day. All things are in flux, nothing is permanent. Yes, you can't help it, you can't help it." 32. You order your friends to bring you food when you are ill, using a sickly voice. 33. You think of kakigoori when you eat kakigori. 34. You want a red half-mask with a long, foldable nose. ←這也是給阿丸的信物當然想要呀>////< 35. You decide that you'll name your future daughter 'Elizabeth' and shorten it to 'Eri'. 36. You play Nintendo in the bathtub. 37. You think that emo, angsty guys are cute. 38. You want a pair of brown-framed glasses. ←可是還是敗了黑色的 39. You wanted a pair of pink PJs because Ueda wore them. ←下次買就會買粉紅 40. You know that Ueda *sometimes* wears brand-less underwear. used concession trailers for sale 41. You have wondered what it was like to get abandoned in the mountains. 42. You have wondered what Ueda would be like if he were a lawyer instead of an artiste. (kakkoi~) 43. Going onto a stage barefooted or in black sandals (and dropping them) is cute and perfectly fine. 44. You insist that Ueda was the first guy in KAT-TUN to try the sticking-his-hand-down-his-pants thing during photoshoots. 45. You spent an equal amount used concession trailers for sale of money (or more!) on Ueda’s solo concert goods compared to KAT-TUN concert goods. ←這就不要提了 46. You have felt an urge to learn the electric guitar. 47. You want to kill your friends with a large gun when they get too enthusiastic playing video games. 48. You have tried not smiling for a day. 49. Your favourite pose is anything with a 'peace!' sign. 50. You tried having an emo, angsty moment when someone asked you 'What are you trying used concession trailers for sale to be?' 51. You realized that more of this list described you than you thought. 有趣吧 哈哈 她還有弄赤西和小龜的呢
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