ALICE 23/05/07 01:49
Sonia Maria: congratulations for golinhas and the PAP.Ficaram very bons.Pena I can not open the chart for two golinhas imprimir.Estou doing, but stopped on the subject of abacaxi.Um discmaker embrace Salette Duarte Delete Reply
Hello Sonia, discmaker very beautiful discmaker your blog. I had seen this blog golinha of Elaine, but do not understand the difference between golinha and a short scarf. The golinha is used as a scarf? Actually I do not know with what clothes she looks good. A kiss, Neli Delete Reply
Hi Neli! Too bad you did not leave your email or blog so I can answer you directly. I do not know if you will read this comment, but I'll try esclarescer you. Call collar because it has a slit where incere the other end, getting fixed without help brooch or any other ornament. She is short and narrow as the collar. Her v-neck also resembles a collar. The cahecol to make the effect of collar must receive a brooch. He is not alone in the neck position. We use a brooch on our golinha to plug the gap and embellish it further. I prefer this golinha with turtlenecks, long sleeve or half sleeve. I use it also with a v-neck blouse less deep. I hope I helped you. Hugs with love, Sonia Maria Delete Reply
Sonia, discmaker I marveled at this golinha not yet know! Ja took the needles and I'm doing too ....... I have a collar, very old, who already photographed, made the recipe and put in micro here ..... but being a fool here, do not know how to pass -la to you ....... discmaker If you interested to see her, write to mim.Só that is knitting, but very beautiful! 'm From Santos loved your blog parabens and God bless you too, for his willingness to help us. Hugs Reply Delete
Hello Sonia, Thanks for visiting! Look, I loved the pap of golinha, so go on vacation, I will do! As for our friend to translate your post about the bag and the scarf, you can leave me, so what's left me a little time, this week, sending her in German. So she will also be able to know straight from the wonderful point that you created! Bjks Fabi Delete Reply
Sonia, in post 18 are careers Elaine fan ... since you turned 23 ... as I am working with a thinner line, which I had at home lol, I'll even give the circumference of my neck is this? the ends of the pineapple are just to give fixation, the right transpassive? Delete Reply
Hello, Sonia! The post is old, but could not help but comment discmaker that I loved this version of golinha pineapple and I'm finishing my. I had done two other similar well [without those initial rings and lequinho of two high points], but after that follow your chart, I liked more the outcome. Now I will try the cap, never done one but I believe that will work because its graphics discmaker and pap's are extremely didactic. Any questions cry for help [I?]. Big hug and great week [too cold here] !! Delete Reply
Hello Sonia! Your blog is inspiring! Congratulations! Kisses and all the best! Ah! and its graph was very good! I'm looking for a book that teaches create motives, do you know any? I thank the attention! Delete Reply
Renata, thank you, poelo your care and attention! My charts do the drawing on the photos. Sometimes I take some FACOS ready and appropriate amendments. The program I use is the PAINT. Kisses Delete
Magali 31/03/12 22:19
Hello Sonia !!! I wove this cap and collar with pineapple tip, weaving loved that job, follow the link to the post on my blog: Bjuxxx Reply opt out
Carol, I went to your blog and saw the beauties that you wove ... I just write down there on my blog SPEAKING OF CROCHET discmaker little cap-and-of- crochet.html kisses Delete
Hello friend! Sorry for the inconvenience ... I'm gathering all my content crochet on my main blog http: ... // await your visit ... Love, Sonia Maria
This blog is a externsão the SPEAKING discmaker OF CROCHET.
Hello, friend (o)! Given the request, via email, the friend Maria Helena, since today the tips on how to start this beautiful casaq ...
LAPIS OF DECORATED WITH AMIGURUMIS CROCHE - Hello, friend (o)! I bought these pencil DECORATED WITH AMIGURUMIS crochet in Porto de Galinhas. The intention was to gift Isabela, my granddaughter with ...
CROCHE SQUARE BAR WITH FLOWER VINTAGE - Hello, friend! This is a crochet VINTAGE BAR ... She is very beautiful and your chart a little discmaker confused ... She has been published in books very antig crochet ...
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