Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mhar stall Bdagh At Sharoti.

White page filled with words | Forty Road
Festival "Days of Poetry in the Desert" will be held in the 12th minute before Purim and marked secret and mask. Ilana Seagull, director of the festival, snow cone supplies on an exciting journey which read poetry, talking about it and listen to it, but also let go, give up and keep quiet. Rooney blush and Pinhas Sadeh, let's call participants Songs
Festival "Days of Poetry in the Desert" will be held this year marked secret and mask. "Good smell of distances," writes the poet Zelda and invites us to journey with her songs. Way, exposed in secret places, madness, shame, death wish, trees and stones, gold sunsets, rain on a sunny day, nations, snow cone supplies tongues, and supplemental signals, but also mud and blood. We experience the excitement on the one hand, and on the other hand embarrassment. And all the time, "Longing words" TAKING his head out of the sea ... "(Zelda) but the biggest contrast, surprisingly, we have cash at the end of the journey. Zelda says: "But beautiful all songs
White. Empty. Nothing. Quiet. That's the main thing. So what are we doing here in the south, in the desert, each and every year than a dozen years? We read, hear, write, speak poetry, but the poet order: There let go, let, shut up, give up, allow ... Really? And here's the great paradox - despite the beauty of the White House, despite the glory of God is the ability to like, Zelda's white page filled with words. Our well.
This year we have expanded operations in Dimona. Connection with Meir Cohen, the mayor, was immediate. Cohen says that once an elementary school student, received a sentence: read a poem at the Holocaust Memorial Day. He did so reluctantly, but clear voice brought about magic. There was silence. Everyone listened. He became interested in the history behind the texts and poets. "Hebrew poetry was not a natural thing for me," says Meyer. "In fact I detested as a child singing and excluding educational commitments, did not read poetry. The change came with the advent of a new teacher in my class in elementary school. The teacher decided to have been given a pleasant voice sounded eloquent and clear and gave me, I could not help having the task of poetry reading in the classroom. Daily craft became routine for me mechanically. Slowly, I began to search for songs on my own, reading and explaining them to his classmates. My bookshelf filled with books in many different vocals. Poetry for me is the best way a person can express his feelings, his worldview and Hski heart. "
This month we all go on a journey of excitement and touching, singing snow cone supplies festival experience but also deletions, villages, release, and waiver. We are filled with the best of the distances I felt sorry "while exploring snow cone supplies the secret song and face. The plan this time, ten days before Purim, contains the two poles of the secret and mask. Poles are always interesting. We are pulling a thread from the beginning of last winter, so we investigated biographical snow cone supplies secrets embodied in song. Month Adar, in the early spring and flowering, we look the secret song hidden spring, Secrets of the Night, darkness, doubt, uncertainty, abstract deity, death. Meet the Alliance spirit snow cone supplies ", Vayikra, namely the story of the victims. snow cone supplies In this case beheaded head of the baby, torn heart pigeon, goat slaughtered innocent newborn lamb, smeared blood on the altar cars. And our sins - fraud, extortion, betrayal and deception, exploitation and humiliation - whitened like snow. Where this need victims? Lust for blood? Atonement? Cultural researchers and poets try to answer the questions from the corner of the various religions, the anticipated film "Hangman" (Netalie Brown) on the old slaughterer, leading us life and fault circuits to ours Sommer and we sucked him to his terrible secret. Journey Days of Poetry in the Desert "will keep us slowly from the blood and mud into the wind, unseen. snow cone supplies After all, even Zelda, snow cone supplies their teacher Amos Oz and Erez Biton, "wearing a mask of no-hope-more", she touches the "secret lives in the mountains of darkness / listen / and smiles to himself ...". Like Zelda, Pinhas Sadeh, intimacy with God, do not forget to send us buy Lven and bread;
Is a powerful song can save? Not only the writer's soul, but save just bring bread to the hungry, and white? Thirty young poets Chippewa culture "," snow cone supplies Spring snow cone supplies "and their opponents will discuss and demonstrate the polarization song H"htrfsot option" protest song in front of a desire to leave the song "pure" ivory tower and at close quarters. The events are open to the public. Join us.
1993. Yemin Moshe. Montefiore's carriage was on display and turning Beautiful horse close to her. "If," said Pinhas Sadeh, "someone offered a glass of wine this horse no one would differentiate between guests". He preferred to hold a glass of water and I'm Shirley, my daughter. Field tried to make her laugh. She cooperated, but ultimately chose to stick eyed mare. "In this battle," he said, "I lost," and he cast a glance of her Napoleonic her mare did not understand why want to harness it again over the carriage.
This moment, it felt field Sosa won it in the eyes of a child of two years, could be a line in Al Shamomn of little girls ", B"hnoddot" and especially Dance ". Name recalls the dance he danced before the golden-haired woman, quiet and happiness. "And that," he writes, "I do not know how to dance danced in front of you ..."
It is, if you will, A Brief History of Magic. snow cone supplies This boast their ability to dance and think you do not know. Field never kept his sequence embossing them knew how to spell his shoes. The peak of the pavement was written, in my opinion, two lines, little surreal, snow cone supplies "grass slowly snow cone supplies burning red / green river flows forever."
Equestrian's door Bshmim.
Supra Nharot Dmsk and Amon, supra Harri Scm and Iroshlim,
Mhar stall Bdagh At Sharoti.
Nuest grasp Hiim Bsodm
Yael with horns winked at me
Modern towers
And Ci Hlhm Hua Htaim Bmaclim,
Whoever follows / Haim Gouri
In pain Almim
Valt Harga Shainno passing:
Then I saw Watermelon Head
Sharp Raiti Bshaol At goodness inhabitant.
Minus Sls, Cli Slhn and Gf-Hkfi Mdf, Mdf

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