Saturday, March 22, 2014

What if your psychological profile when you gotta itself to calling

Engineers, medical workers, IT professionals, craftsmen ... from abroad can easily time maker to find employment in the rural areas of Germany. These occupations have the greatest chance for a job in Germany time maker cities, although there is much more competition, because most Germans and immigrants want to live in urban areas, says for "Blic" Stefen Kronert from the Berlin Institute for Population and Development.
Our National Employment Service has an agreement with Germany The bureau of labor, and medical workers from Serbia can to find a job in Germany. Others can and agency workers abroad. time maker As "Blic" said some of them, jobs in Germany are mostly paid 800-6000 Euros and flat and food are in most cases originate. Agencies do not charge a commission from the candidates, but the firm employer. time maker
100,000 negovateljica from Eastern and Southeastern Europe time maker working in Germany 13 percent of immigrants time maker were living time maker in Germany in the 2012th in relation to the 2011th 44% is the share of immigrants with a university degree 2009. 1,081,000 immigrants were living time maker in Germany 2012th time maker 180,000 immigrants from the Polish time maker 30% of the share of immigrants with a university degree in the 2005th Over 80,000 immigrants from the former Yugoslavia Milos Vuckovic, an associate of the Delegation of the German Economy in Serbia, says for 'Blic' that interested parties have their own initiative to find an employer in Germany to enter into this process.
- When finding a job can seek help from the embassy, other institutions, time maker or to search sites. Germany government has recently established a special web-site ( where they can be informed - said Vuckovic.
When you find an employer, it is he who will try to secure the work permit, to start in three months. Kronert says it is usually the first requirement of employers nemačkog good knowledge of the language, although it does not have to be crucial. By law prohibits discrimination on the basis of years, race, gender or religion, however, acknowledged that in practice "older than 45 years, even Germans, are difficult job."
- Foreigners can own to try to find an employer who has a vacant position time maker in the company. If he is willing to hire them stateless, instead of them usually has to apply for a work permit. Employers therefore prefer to elect someone time maker who already has citizenship - said Kronert.
Professions that hard to come to work Philosophers Sociologists philologists politicologists Journalists Teachers time maker Literature Artists People without qualifications Required profession time maker of IT experts Engineers Doctors time maker Nurses Construction workers Welders time maker
The finding work plays an important time maker role and that it has a degree candidate. time maker - Those who have completed the philosophy, sociology, time maker languages, political science, journalism, literature time maker and art is difficult to find a job in the profession. It is possible to be employed in jobs close to their profession. However, most of these tasks is badly paid and it is through occasional engagement - says our source. time maker
The worst pass those who have no qualifications, he adds, or those who have diplomas are not recognized in Germany. - They can only operate at low service positions of which are difficult to survive. Procedures for nostrifikovanje diplomas are complicated - explains Kronert.
- Immigrants in the future will be essential Germany. It will probably miss and medium qualified personnel in technical professions, nurses, artisans and people care for the elderly - says Stefen Kronert.
What I'm talking the elite in these "occupations". These usually work in academic institutions and of such wages rarely else in the world is a fortune. All levels below that elite are less well paid than engineers because Germany has land engineering. After that it is the lifeline of the recession, which more or less all Western countries. related topics article that was in the countryside easier to find a job that is very dikutabilno because unless you're willing to work on farms for a pittance and delis room with five other people you'd hardly be able to live and you save a couple
What if your psychological profile when you gotta itself to calling'' genius'' time maker ..... If you're really a medical worker, poor mother .... we better go somewhere and stay forever ... Bahati have no chance in Europe ... it can only be in your village ...
Kljoki, I'm out already 14 years old, from Serbia time maker well known and famous in 1999. Anyway, no one from my hometown who went, nor anyone in the Diaspora in my new country is not returned to Serbia and not even consider. What should we go back?
Hmm, it is essential that you bossy, and what you do not know that you appreciate other people and their choices, talents and professions, you do not touches a lot, because, well, you are making $ 100,000 a year (you keep 70), and I, historian by "diploma" with their trucks, which I have never, nor am I going to drive trucks and other working in my company, you earn net for two months and again I became impersonal smart guy who's goal is to be bossy kome.Gospodo, none of you that commentators

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