Within this Sub-algae are prokaryotic organisms in the process cupcake makers of photosynthesis release oxygen. To date it is known for more than three thousand species that inhabit all continents, living cupcake makers in all climatic regions of the Earth, settling to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Cells of these organisms is made of two main parts - the cell wall and protoplast.
Taxonomic position. Throughout the entire history algology position of this group prokaryotes was questionable, and even today the situation is not any better. Do you belong to algae or bacteria is the issue around which is still being debated, and emphasize the thesis and for one another and for understanding. cupcake makers This problem is reflected cupcake makers in the title of this Sub-prokaryotes. Thus, the bacteriological literature the most used name Cyanobacteria, and algološkoj Cyanophyta. However, today it is increasingly being used name Cyanobacteria. In the old microbiological literature used the name Myxophyta. In addition to these calls, the old Russian literature was used and the name Cyanobacteriophyta.
There is also the question of whether the bacteria are synonymous for prokaryotes. Some spot authors believe that here should make a clear distinction. cupcake makers In prokaryotes should be counted, in addition to bacteria, actinomycetes and more, mycoplasma, and many specific groups of prokaryotes cupcake makers including the "blue-green prokaryotes." In accordance with this understanding Komarek the 1999th year proposed introduction Cyanoprocaryota instead called Cyanobacteria. This name would be kind of resigned himself opposing cupcake makers beliefs about the taxonomic position of this group of organisms. The indisputable fact is that as far as the environmental point of view, these organisms closer eukaryotic cupcake makers algae than other prokaryotes, and are studied in the framework of algology. cupcake makers
The morphology of the blue-green prokaryotes is relatively simple. In the divisions Cyanoprocaryota are representatives of the unicellular, colonial and thready level of morphological organization. In the unicellular representatives, material and shape of the cell are both material and shape of the entire talus. However, in colonial and trihalnih representatives talus can be very diverse, so the appearance of the body in them varies considerably. In addition to the shape of the talus, with representatives occurring complex and different types of specialized vegetative cells, which have a specific function, but never reproduction. These are heterociste and akineti. cupcake makers
A special type of cells that arise reorganization of membrane systems within the vegetative cells called heterociste. Thylakoids to disintegrate, and the creation of new membranes are connected securely. cupcake makers In heterocistama remains of pigments chlorophyll and carotenoids. DNA fibrils are scattered throughout the entire cell. Heterociste of vegetative cells differ in color, shape, size and content. Heterociste are usually yellowish in color. As a rule, are larger than vegetative cells do not contain nutritive substances and spare gas vacuoles. Heterociste have thick walls because in addition to four layers, which are found in vegetative cells and these cells develop additional layers of the cell wall, except in the regions cupcake makers adjacent to vegetative cells. Right next to the fourth layer of the cell wall heterocistu envelops one lamellar layer is thickened in the pore-canal (also called the channel pore or pores only). Through this channel heterocista is associated with a vegetative cell. Around the lamellar layer is a homogeneous layer that extends toward the poles heterociste. These layers form a creation in the shape of a bottle cupcake makers pores in the region, on which there is a septa which heterocista separated from vegetative cells. cupcake makers The pores of, in the form of a cap, a homogeneous material that is found only in heterocista. Thanks cupcake makers to a rigid sheath heterociste serving mechanical and other devastating effects that act on the thin walled vegetative cells. According to some role in enzyme systems heterocistama is also a function of binding atmospheric nitrogen.
Akineti are also specialized cells that are formed by differentiating vegetative cells. May arise from one vegetative cell or a confluence of a large number. Akineti are, as a rule, much larger than vegetative cells. They have a very thickened cell walls. During the differentiation of vegetative cells L2 layer thickens, and around the cell wall develops additional cupcake makers layer. cupcake makers This additional layer is made up of two main layers - INTINOVA and egzina. Unlike cell wall heterociste, wall akineta is continuous, ie on it are not educated pore.Sadržaj akineta a rich reserve substances, and has the most cijanoficinskih grains. The content of DNA is 20 - 30 times higher than in vegetative cells. Schedule and structure cupcake makers of thylakoids in akinetima is the same as in vegetative cells. These features allow akinetima that, in sleep mode, spend longer periods of time in adverse weather conditions. When establishing favorable conditions give new multicellular animals. Data are known to have survived akineti and 70 years of drought. Akineti often have a correct position in trichome
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