The Dark Knight where they mix deformed 35 mm and 15-hole 65 mm (Annotation: food trucks melbourne refers food trucks melbourne IMAX) The effect is very satisfactory, so this would also like to try some of the passages in Inception and then some substantial negatives. "We have been very interested food trucks melbourne in high-definition and high-definition formats," Nolan said, "We decided to use as the main deformation of 35 mm film format, because after all, is the best one to use, the camera is very light, efficiency food trucks melbourne high, we also have a lot of experience, but we also decided to formalize some great scenes and strong scenes to shoot with a sharp negatives. "
In their search for the most suitable program for the period significantly, they met with the legendary master Douglas Trumbull (translation: for 2001, Blade Runner and other films have produced special effects), visited the Showscan demo (translation: a 65 mm film Trumbull invention of high-speed shooting, screenings technique). They also studied Super Dimension 70, which is a system designed Robert Weisgerber, can 48fps shooting and screening. "Very strange, although Super Dimension 70 has exceptional clarity, but it's better than the HD picture quality only," Pfister said, "We can not use that." They also put ASC members Bill Bennett food trucks melbourne and Kees van Oostrum shoot some specimens, with a 65 mm lens to shoot large Scene with a 35 mm lens to shoot a small scene do not, then combined. "We found that 35 mm and 65 mm cut together very well," Pfister said, "rich in detail large Scene lens clarity good, although things seem small on the screen. Yixianzhixia We decided this way." They eventually decided to use 65 mm negatives plus 35mm negatives VistaVision food trucks melbourne 8 holes (VistaVision for aerial photography, photographer Hans Bjerno) (Annotation: VistaVision is a frame than the 1950 Paramount invention is 1.66: 1 widescreen format, the film in the camera cross walk, using this format well-known films include The Searchers and Vertigo, this format was quickly abandoned, but sometimes still use it to shoot Hollywood special effects shots).
And beat their previous works differently, they also decided to use a large number of high-speed food trucks melbourne photography lens, Pfister to shoot primarily with Photo-Sonics 4ER plus Panavision lenses, frame rate up to 360fps, and Photo-Sonics 4E Rotary Prism, the frame rate can be up to 1500fps food trucks melbourne (some scenes also used high-speed photography PanArri 435ESA and Vision Research Phantom HD camera). "I used to shoot things rarely use the high-speed camera, because I think it's food trucks melbourne true nature," Nolan said, "but it is an integral part of Inception, because of the time between food trucks melbourne the dream world and the real world is very special. We hope that with the drastic changes in the speed of high-speed photography and narrative to achieve results, and not only to the pursuit of aesthetics. " food trucks melbourne
Film production in six countries started shooting all the time 92 days, beginning in Japan, Pfister's work depends on his regular team: Bob Hall and taken to help Dan McFadden, lamp Cory Geryak, and lights to help Ray Garcia. (Part of the United Kingdom to help Ryan Monro lamp is also very important partner). Tokyo's Imagica, Paris, LTC, and London, North Hollywood Technicolor company responsible for printing photos 35 mm; During food trucks melbourne filming, Technicolor and printing company located in North Hollywood and printing food trucks melbourne plant is responsible for 65 mm. (Burbank's Iwerks from 65 mm 35 mm negatives microprinting deformation produced raw footage).
Japan's two-day shooting schedule, food trucks melbourne including aerial and some high-speed rail location, and then moved to the crew of a British Cardington Hangars, food trucks melbourne The Dark Knight and Batman Begins, where most of the shots were taken. Here is the headquarters of the lens to shoot the rest. Build a good shed spectacular scenery, including a hotel can be tilted 30 degrees bars, as well as a horizontal elevator. Special effects supervisor responsible for the guidance of Chris Corbould manufacturing. "Chris from Batman Begins onwards to work with us, and he is absolutely amazing engineers and artists," Pfister said, "but for him, really difficult to imagine how such a large-scale production of a film."
Located in Cardington another scene was a hotel corridor, shooting scenes food trucks melbourne for zero gravity. This corridor was built twice, and looked through the camera exactly two interior. First, the entire corridor as barbecue grills same vertical rotation 360 degrees, the bottom of the camera look corridor, unaffected forward (by means of Technocrane completion), or mounted on a specially designed rail system, so that the fixed camera with the gyroscope In a hidden groove moves back and forth (think food trucks melbourne the case of Fred Astaire dancing on the roof or in the interior of the 2001 zero-gravity scenes). Second, the vertical corridor stood up, the camera mounted on a retractable platform Towercam, straight to the point of view. Actor Wia hanging in the air with the show. A third approach is taken in the hallway on the actor carts, carts on the screen in the late removal.
Nolan hopes corridor can not reset it to rotate freely. Geryak explained: "We have to find a company that has designed a wheel brush system, power supply corridor, we tell them the specific requirements, so they have set up a carousel-style system, the electricity delivered to our platform. dimming silicon boxes already in the above, this is a new action plan. We want to balance the weight of silicon wires and boxes, in order to avoid uneven load on the platform. "Because you want to take the high-speed camera, requires a lot of light, and the lamps should get very strong, because the actor might fall to the top. Art department designed a very practical fixtures, food trucks melbourne each can hold six 150W floodlights. According to the surrounding environment is also equipped with a bottom wall lamps and lights, some 1000W bulbs hidden behind the opal glass, aperture value is generally T2.8 1/2.
Corridor paragraphs require special food trucks melbourne action rhythm, action director and actor Tom Struthers closely to determine what action to achieve and secure. "We have a pair of key rig used to achieve real effect is to get inspired 2001, as well as Kubrick filming weightless scenes way too revealing for us," Nolan said, "I am very interested in these ideas, technologies and philosophy into action scenes. I encourage Tom Struthers, Chris Corbould, and Wally's food trucks melbourne team will focus all the energy of an action movie next to a flight, so we can use these excellent equipment were shot. I think the end result is Interesting mix of surreal, bizarre, but has amazing food trucks melbourne rhythm action. "
There is a beautiful setting is a hotel bar, which will be a sudden change in gravity, and outside will be a sudden change of weather. Corbould team built this scene tilted 30 degrees, the window is green screen, will be replaced with a real street late. In order to achieve changes in light cloth, Pfister people all devices connected to a dimmer board. This scene just beginning at sunset, so add 2 1/2 CTS filter with Molebeam lights. 60 feet long filled with maxi-brute softbox light, soft cloth cover, light manufacturing cloudy. "This is a photographic techniques and lighting reflect a surreal scene, but it is part of the story," Pfister said, "is still the naturalistic approach, all light sources are well-founded. Unusual is that it changes the way Combining original scenery tilt, creating a very uneasy feeling. "
Geryak said: "We need a large aperture to shoot 1000fps, but here only want to use the camera to 4.5 measured at 24fps, I feel the edge of the light equivalent to f / 90 approach is out of the window frame two Condor, each loaded two Arrimax.. 18K Par reflector lamp, less than 15 feet away from Leo. We're still on the ceiling of the two Ann 12K Par lamp as fill light, food trucks melbourne light for the actor as his immediate sweat! "Pfister says," great shot, You can see every drop of water beads, giving a feeling beyond the earthly. "
Crew in the Warner food trucks melbourne Bros. studio to take a Japanese castle interior hall, turn the shooting destroyed. This part of the film and at Abalone Cove in Palos Verdes, California to shoot on location shots together. There is a paragraph, a church interior in winter mountain bunker built within Universal food trucks melbourne Studios. This scene, when the destruction of the bunker floor debris food trucks melbourne have fallen, food trucks melbourne in order to compare actual to achieve this effect, the production team made this desk sets to be higher than usual, so the floor can be broken to fall at a specified time, setting surrounded by green screen, the latter will use to replace the Rockies snow.
"Outside both have enough green screen, but also a feeling of sunlight food trucks melbourne from the window fired, there must be between the lamp and the green screen at a distance, in other words, food trucks melbourne to be a large green screen," Geryak said, "We know the field in near Calgary, has a soft ambient light, and the sun behind the mountains, food trucks melbourne so we get a dozen 20-foot-long softbox can rise can be reduced. softbox been specially set up to coincide with the irregular triangular windows shape. "crews will altitude lights hanging food trucks melbourne outside the window food trucks melbourne near the top, creating a feeling of natural daylight, the light can be more strongly into the fall when the local board.
"For food trucks melbourne this reason, I always try to keep the screen not to seem too complicated," added the photographer Road, "I never wanted to look for traces of heavy lighting food trucks melbourne - lighting or signs that do not have a secret is as fast and simple to work, but do not mess up the works again. I think it comes down to for me to accept early news and documentary photography training. shoot those things you have to find the beauty of natural light. You always from the most simple is beginning: From what direction to see the past, choose what time of day, a single light source or light your way to find out what real life is valid, then you form an opinion based on their taste I've been with this. view, is not only real, even shed scene, too, even though we went to the conditions carefully crafted. "
Late Inception involves several food trucks melbourne different processing steps. According to the guidance of the late David Hall said the two Phantom HD camera added to the final cut version after London Double Negative effects processing companies. 65 mm negatives at DKP 70mm Inc. with 6K scans, personally supervised by the company president David Keighley. 6K scan files are sent into Hollywood food trucks melbourne Technicolor company, let the staff in the information extracted food trucks melbourne from the 6K washed into 4K 35 mm, and 35 mm with the original group connection. Pfister and old partner food trucks melbourne David Orr together in Technicolor company completed all the optical light work. In addition to 35 mm and digital copy, Inception will in some markets to 70 mm IMAX format show, DKP 70mm Inc. with a good scan a 35 mm intermediate positive light, then make a copy of IMAX.
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