Tuesday, February 24, 2015

* Automatic cuisinart popcorn maker newspaper ball baseball, (1) the concept and prototype (Arduino

[Ryan GI's other articles] axis * homemade homemade big big axis, components papers, (1) Remote Control (Drone, Quadcopter, Futaba, Maker, Arduino, Animatronic Eye) * homemade large axis, components papers, (2) flight control board (Drone, Quadcopter, MultiWii, Arduino, Futaba, Maker) * homemade large axis, components papers, (3) self-Rachel Wood Rack (Drone, Quadcopter, Maker, Laser Cut) * Homemade large axis, parts articles (4) electric motor with variable adjustment (Drone, Quadcopter, Maker, Electric cuisinart popcorn maker Speed Control, Motor) automatic ball baseball newspaper
* Automatic cuisinart popcorn maker newspaper ball baseball, (1) the concept and prototype (Arduino, MPU-6050, HC-06) * automatic newspaper ball in baseball, (2) the first version of the test works (Arduino, NanoWii, cuisinart popcorn maker microSD, MPU6050) * Automatic Data analysis reported ball baseball, (3) juggling experiments (Arduino, NanoWii, microSD, MPU6050) * Arduino, their own power cord
* Note, MPU-6050, google search and experiment cuisinart popcorn maker to experiment ideas *, EEPROM write speed can keep up MPU6050 data output? (Arduino, MPU-6050, EEPROM) * notes, NanoWii, some experience to share ( Arduino, NanoWii, MPU6050) * Murmur, very small and very powerful cuisinart popcorn maker wearable device module cuisinart popcorn maker (Realtag, Bluetooth, CC2540, MPU6050, cuisinart popcorn maker BMP180)
* Note, CC2540 Bluetooth Low Energy, (1) development cuisinart popcorn maker environment set up (Bluetooth, CC2540) * notes, CC2540 Bluetooth Low Energy, (2) run the first example program (Bluetooth, CC2540) * notes, CC2540 Bluetooth Low Energy, ( 3) SimpleBLEPeripheral brief (Bluetooth, CC2540) * notes, CC2540 Bluetooth Low Energy, (4) to perform sample program on smart phones (Bluetooth, CC2540) * notes, CC2540 Bluetooth Low Energy, (5) detection cuisinart popcorn maker and signal sending iBeacon (Bluetooth, CC2540, iBeacon) cuisinart popcorn maker * Implementing, iBeacon sender x anti-lost (Bluetooth, cuisinart popcorn maker CC2540, iBeacon) * Implementing, iBeacon treasure hunt (Bluetooth, CC2540, iBeacon, iOS app) * Implementing, BLE + iOS app, remote cuisinart popcorn maker bulb Jun (Bluetooth, CC2540, iOS app) * to experiment with the feasibility of automatic control iBeacon do (Bluetooth, iBeacon, cuisinart popcorn maker CC2540, Automation, URL Scheme, iOS app) * Blue Blue Shop do together Shop together to do, with the beacon lamp control switch * Blue Shop do together, explain BLE CC2540 UART communications paradigm program (Bluetooth, CC2540, UART) * Blue Shop do together, as a real ad hoc Bluetooth lamp ( on) (Bluetooth, CC2540) * Blue Shop do together, as a real ad hoc Bluetooth lamp (below) (Bluetooth, CC2540) * Blue Shop do together, iBeacon scanner project demonstration cuisinart popcorn maker and explanation (Bluetooth, CC2540, iBeacon ) wireless temperature sensor * Little Devil Little Devil, (1) the temperature sensing + Things (Electric Imp, Xively, LM35, Internet of Things) * little devil, (2) temperature sensing + Things cuisinart popcorn maker + event trigger ( Electric Imp, Xively, LM35, Internet of Things)
108 * 108 Popeye Popeye, debut (Arduino, SG-90, Maker Faire Taipei 2014, Animatronic Eye) * 108 Popeye, evolution, (1) exclusive library (Arduino, SG90, Animatronic Eye) * 108 Popeye, evolution, (2) when we strung together (Arduino, SG90, Animatronic Eye, I2C) * 108 Popeye, evolution, (3) Check the Gmail mailbox (Arduino, SG90, Animatronic Eye, Temboo) * 108 Popeye, evolution, (4) looked at my face (Arduino, SG90, Animatronic Eye, OpenCV, Processing, I2C) * 108 Popeye, evolution, (5) greet people cuisinart popcorn maker coming and going (Arduino, SG90 , Animatronic Eye, OpenCV, Processing, I2C) * 108 Popeye, review notes, I want a fight ten (Arduino, SG90, Animatronic Eye) Plot Clock
* Murmur, interesting parts price * Murmur, Arduino Bumpers (Arduino, bumper, cuisinart popcorn maker 3D printing) * Murmur, a maker Hsu sharing site * Murmur, a new concept of Things - The Physical Web (Internet of Things, The Physical Web) * Murmur, a little idea about HP Sprout * Murmur, said that Chinese is difficult to do? (Toy, Reed Switch, Voice Recorder Module) * Murmur, automated parking payment machines a couple of things (Kiosk) * Murmur, why is WiFi? About Clean air is a little millet view .. (Internet of Things) * Murmur, the robot is the fashion element? (Robot, Fashion)
* Out of the box, Gundam small theater (Pepper's Ghost, GUNDAM) * Out of the box, Weili II controlled machines, small quadrocopter (CG022, Quadcopter) * Weili II machine control, repair shields and flight experience (CG022, Quadcopter ) * Weili II controlled machine, I wanted a home (CG022, Quadcopter) * Scott II machine control force, for motor (CG022, Quadcopter) cuisinart popcorn maker * Weili II controlled machine, hole (CG022, Quadcopter) cuisinart popcorn maker on the box
* Want to split, VOS change the sound Kumamoto Bear (Kumamon, Vibration Motor, VOX) * want to dismantle, wireless charging stand little seven (Wireless Charging, 7-11) * demolition, the demolition of the current rush to music *, Wireless Optical Mouse * demolition, Lantern Paper lanterns carved small wick (7-color blinking LED) * demolition, rock-solid flashlight * demolition, energy saving bulbs (Compact Fluorescent Bulb)
2015 (15) February (7) January (8) 2014 (76) December (8) November (8) Weili II machine control, the hole on the box (CG022, Quadcopter ) is full to overflowing robot Zero experience @ Andrew 108 meter robot DreamWorks Popeye, review notes, I want a fight ten (Arduino, SG90, Animatronic ... Wei II machine control force, for motor (CG022 , Quadcopter) Murmur, very small and very powerful wearable device module (Realtag, Bluetooth, CC2540, ... for real, BLE + iOS app, remote cuisinart popcorn maker bulb Jun (Bluetooth, CC2540, iOS a ... Murmur, say Chinese hard to do? (Toy, Reed Switch, Voice Recorder ... for real, iBeacon treasure hunt (Bluetooth, CC2540, iBeacon, iOS ... October (11) September (9) August (10) July (6) June (10) May (7) April (7)
3D printing 7-11 Animatronic Eye arduino automation banana basic battery bluetooth cuisinart popcorn maker BMP180 brushless motor capacitive sensor CC2540 CG022 compact cuisinart popcorn maker fluorescent bulb Corum Yachts digital home Drone EEPROM electric imp electric speed control experiment fablab fashion firmata Futaba GPS gundam HC-06 HC-SR04 heart bot I2C iBeacon IMU inspiration interactive internet of things iOS app java script Kalman Filter kiosk Kumamon laser cut LCD LED LEGO LM35 make Maker Faire Taipei 2014 MAX7219 microSD MPU6050 cuisinart popcorn maker MultiWii murmur NanoWii OpenCV optical mouse plot clock processing Quadcopter raspberry pi realtag reed switch cuisinart popcorn maker robot SG90 share sonar spacebrew step motor t-shirt Temboo the physical web tools toy UART URL Scheme user story vibration motor visit voice recorder module VOX wireless charging Xively

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