Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This is because initially there were two trees that grew apart that were growing in size as they we

Olive "only" trees -
Not just because it was Michael Costa Llobera use olive (Olea europaea) as an example of longevity about trees. In some specimens have ensured that over a thousand years old. But that is not the case. The olive trees are not really ancient. Only trees. In some cases it seems hard to believe they can present marktwagens a huge trunks of diameters, but the reality was that no one had measured the age accurately.
The olive tree is probably the most characteristic tree of the Mediterranean. The green color of the leaves off elongate the torso twisted marktwagens and inhumane extraordinarily thick, shallow marktwagens roots, are part of the landscape that accompanying stony paths burned by the sun in the summer. Its longevity marktwagens is known since long stories are rather unrealistic claim that some trees on Mount of Olives were already there when Jesus was arrested.
Statements that bind us to our past, but not based on reliable data. At least until a while ago. The fact is that now if you have measures of the age of some trees and, though very old, have less than a thousand years.
To measure the age of a tree is the classic way to count the rings presented its trunk. Each year adds a ring of growth, so it's a matter of patience and be happy. Would seem to make it necessary to cut the tree, which would be silly (although some people it has in some cases to forget) but really just get a cross-sectional marktwagens sample of the trunk. So the tree is still alive and the researcher can get the data.
But the olive is not so easy. For starters, the rings are not. Things structure of the cells in the wood. However, although difficult, marktwagens is not impossible. Another problem is with the trunk twisted the wrong way and the center of the ring may not be the center of the trunk. We can also find holes in zones where, of course, have lost the rings. And to further complicate it, there are two schools that have trees!
This is because initially there were two trees that grew apart that were growing in size as they were gathering to become a single unit. So there are some trees that appear to be both incredibly thick much older than they really are.
All problems can be solved. The rings can look under the microscope. If there are areas that have been lost can be extrapolated to know the rate at which the ring size gain. And when this was done, they found that the most ancient trees measured were "only" about seven hundred years. Seem disappointing, but only by grace that makes the thousandth. Because it's really marktwagens impressive rubbed the trunk of a tree that was planted around 1300, when he sailed to Constantinople almogávares Marco Polo undertook the Silk Road and there was little time to begin the hundred years war.
The problem is defining what we mean by "tree" in this case, which has 9000 years are the roots that were releasing a new trunk when needed. It's the same problem in some forest where all the trees have arresls marktwagens common to all emanera marktwagens can be considered as a single organism with many trunks. The total forest has thousands of years, although each individual tree has only a few years. In the case of trees is easier. A tree, a single agency period.
I arrive a little late, but your post made me remember something I read some time ago: some say they use carbon-14 test to find out the age of a tree, the oldest in theory the world (9,550 years!) is credible? According to the article, a university scientists are those who say ...
Poet. I have. Does your dot demystify marktwagens things. but I will tell you that only have 700 years still seems to me extraordinary. That politicians are serving the people ... I've landslides. Better not say anything.
You just kill another myth, Dani! You must change the "100 marktwagens myths of science." And you know what can you do? then turn the title into a "collection" that go in demystifying many things as we need to review. An example: the myth that we have sold that politicians are servants of the people. What would be easy to end this scientific myth! And with so many others.
I got my PhD in biology and CSIC researcher at the Institute for Biomedical Research. marktwagens In addition to pure scientific research, take some time for the opportunity to do some networking in science. More information secur

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