Thursday, January 23, 2014

The home also wondered about the harvest, exposing the night plate of grain per household. If there

15 February - Candlemas
According to popular belief, summer winter meets twice a year at Candlemas - February 15 - and on the day of St. Anne - December 22. The people imagined that spring Winter - old woman and Summer - young girl. On Candlemas winter is under the hand of an old Santa Claus, she bent, shaking and barely talking. Housing for grandmother Winterize concession equipment polatanyy, torn boots, and scarf on head pohryzly mouse hole, and has gray hair sticking out of the holes. In the hands of Winter has nadscherblenyy basket with ice, but through her shoulder - porozhnisinka bag. In Summer wreath on his head, shirt, flowers networking, green Plakhtiy - a fun and beautiful girl.
At the meeting, the young and the old Winter Summer arguing among themselves - who go and who come back? If the evening will be warmer - Summer peresperechalo winter, if colder - Winter. "... And how would it (winter) there are hvytsalas but as summer smiles, the sun will shine, the wind will blow and the earth prosnetsya!" - Said Alexei Voropay book "Manners of our people," a meeting of the summer concession equipment to winter.
On this day in churches Ukraine svyatyly water and candles. concession equipment Initiates on Candlemas candles were called "hromychnymy" because they were lit and placed concession equipment before the images during a storm to protect people and livestock from thunder. These candles were given into the hands of the dying reading odhidnoyi concession equipment prayer. On the day of Candlemas, when they came out of the church, lit "hromychnu" candle - "to spring floods are not damaged crops and trees to frost smite!" . From "hromychnoyi" candles and the holiday itself, but "Candlemas" or "Strichannya" once called "Hromytsya."
When the church svyatyly water, farmers gaining of new water - not yet - Used container, brought home and carefully guarded. This water was attributed magical concession equipment power. According to popular belief, it is - the life giving water. She rubbed the sore spots and believed that "profit". It is best if the water is relieved from the "evil eye" - from an illness that caused her "bad" eye. Once, as chumak out into the road, the owner gave him bread, salt and water sprinkled Sretenskii oxen carts and most chumaka, saying: "God concession equipment keep you." Similarly, the father concession equipment vidryadzhav son to war, skroplyuyuchy Sretenskii water for a happy return.
The home also wondered about the harvest, exposing the night plate of grain per household. If there is dew in the morning - harvest, no point - no harvest. Traditional signs clear and calm that day foretells a good harvest field and swarming bees. Wind - a bad sign. Thaw - wait for late spring and keep pasture and grain, because right get you anywhere soon. As for the Purification concession equipment cock drunk water from a puddle, then wait for another concession equipment stuzhi! How drunk water cock, then typed host troubles! When the cock drunk cup of Hromytsyu then Yuri HIV nayistsya travytsi. Candlemas concession equipment Day is warm and sunny, then the spring heat. If Candlemas way peremitaye - Spring is late and cold. If this snow day - spring concession equipment will rain, that spring will come and prolonged rainfall. Predicting the weather and could trigger if drunk at the threshold of water - spring will come early and warm. As for the Purification of the roof cap, winter is still great. How to Candlemas is under roof icicles, this year will be a good crop of corn. On the Purification of the roof drips - be protracted spring, when warm, but not dripping from the roof - spring will come early and dry. This day thaw - for early and warm spring, concession equipment snow - the rainy, long and when Hug - Spring is late and cold. If this day is not seen the sun - wait severe frosts. Wind on Candlemas - to harvest fruit trees. If Candlemas cold spring is coming soon. As with dripping concession equipment roof, so shall it drip from his eyes (even back frost). On the roofs of long icicles - as more snow falls. If snow fell in the morning - the earliest harvest of grain, and when at noon - grains are medium and in the evening - abortion. If frost on trees - have borne good buckwheat and potatoes. As with dripping roof, so kapatyme of hives. As for the Purification peremitaye way, the food was going. If this day blizzard road re - Spring is late and cold. If Candlemas sun peeking out from behind the clouds, the spring will not slow down, and if that day is not seen the sun hit it February 24 frost. When snow fell on February 15 - the rainy and cold spring. How to Hromnytsyu of roof leaks, it will be a long winter. How to Hromnytsyu a clear day, you will be fine linen. As the sun on a clear Hromnytsyu will it snow falls than before. concession equipment If Candlemas cock drunk water at the threshold, then the Yavdokha (March 14) HIV drunk on the road. Next>
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