Many, if not the vast majority of people on this planet or in regions where there is snow, and organized slip ring game of snowballs, whose main goal - close up comrade snow breast, and tight! I myself slip ring am a child even participated in many battles with real snow fortresses teams players insidious plan to seize enemy fortifications ... a snow Counter Strike. But now, even in the hot summer, you can easily get to the snow-covered field and plenty poshvyryat snowballs at your nearest friend, ready to support you in this little creative fun. All you need - this iPad and toy SnowBall Duel HD.
On the iPad not many games that let you play multiple people in one tablet at a time. For example, is Fruit Ninja HD. SnowBall Duel HD also belongs to this category slip ring except that the presence of both minimium of two players is required factor. If desired, it is possible and four poshvyryat snowballs. The main thing - do not push your fingers screen iPad.
The idea SnowBall Duel HD outrageously simple slip ring as actually the idea of the game snowballs: throw lumps of snow at the enemy until he threw his unconscious - is in the game, of course. In real life, the rules are not as strict. In this case, the battlefield is present on two fighters in the "eared" fur caps on each side and therefore have a number of reasons. One of them, and not the main - is to give the opportunity to play four. But, as you know, in one device, slip ring even with a 9.7-inch display, it's not very convenient. Would that be the tablet. But the two iPad screen is enough. The second reason is that the modeling of snowballs goes for a while and in the process the other fighter slip ring can cover first. This approach makes the already dynamic game more captivating.
Management implemented slip ring a fairly simple, but not very intuitive, though the built-in game tooltip will put everything in its place. In fairness, we note that in a different way in this case the scheme of interaction with the characters and do not realize it. For movement fighter rather poke his finger in the right direction, in order to throw a snowball - draw a line from "ushastoy" caps in the right direction.
By the way, to get to that tips you need during the game press pause and then the question mark in the corner of the menu. A first game displayed slightly different information that tells the general slip ring rules of war and snow features current level.
There are of course, you can say naked battlefield. There is a version with snow barricade slip ring that can be destroyed. In this case, the principle of "popped, threw snowballs and hid." But usually it happens in a different way: break down all the barricades and begins the traditional snow fight. There are a couple of fields slip ring on a time bomb, as I call them. These "bombs" in a tree and snowman brings some tactical element. If you throw snowballs tree, initially slip ring they hang on it, and then collapsing the accumulated snow on the ground. Naturally, under the tree soldier slip ring mercilessly floods and he leaves the game. A similar slip ring effect and the exploding number of hits snowman.
Another pair prezabavni stages forced to strain really. In one of them there is not snow on the entire field, but only on the four corners. On the bare ground is not snow blind, and eventually players find themselves severely restricted in his movements. The second field is a thin crust of ice on the river or lake. If you stand in one place, the fighter fails the ice. We have to move fast and furiously throwing snowballs.
But not only different areas diversify the gameplay. Sometimes the screen comes out on the floor face smiling widely Bigfoot, closing for a while one of the players review. With hole pops skunk and powerful spoils air, forcing the fighter to a screeching slip ring halt for a while. Suddenly ran a dog can make a puddle in the wrong place and not time.
Present and all sorts of bonuses - a sort of frozen cubes of ice, breaking that can be replenished or, alternatively, to withdraw some life fighter, flipped the playing field, to bring down the enemy attack any of the above, etc. All in all, fun. By the way, there is a description of bonuses slip ring in the form of tips when loading level. That's just all in English, despite the fact that the Russian developer. I would like to ask - why not the Russian language? Text in the game, of course, a little bit, but unfamiliar with English manual transcript notation same bonuses can cause difficulty. In addition, according to the places where the inscriptions there to squeeze Russian counterparts, which are usually slip ring larger than the size of English, should not make problems. I hope that in the future apdeyte in the game still will be Russian. And then somehow undignified when foreign developers build in support for their products great and powerful, and n - lazy or save (underline).
After a spoon of tar want to add a couple more scoop of honey in a barrel SnowBall Duel HD. Speak the Game
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