Thursday, January 15, 2015

Slowly into oblivion million in emergency dinner, but I still look forward to if you consistently w

Rhubarb is one of my favorite fruit is such, I really like the acidity and texture as well. Always envious when English culinary magazines or cookbooks I see these beautiful, strong pink rhubarb cuisine. Depending on the type of the same color to green rózsaszínűtől dark brown, but only used the green room, at least I have not seen in other species. So, if intended for sweets, and even mutatósabbá want magic, you can prepare with strawberries, miami food trucks because it takes the color and harmony occasions. Despite the color I prefer miami food trucks to express itself, mostly associated with vanilla, respectively. I think it works very well with cardamom. miami food trucks Saturday morning has been the umpteenth time I was the guest of Radio Café Gastro Jókúti Andrew miami food trucks Mania c. TV show gasztrokommentátor kind of different qualities, and since my first visit to the occasion stated that culinary art line of people miami food trucks do not arrive empty-handed, of course elveimhez still remained true. I took a little rest rhubarb pie, which is a recipe for the hadartam the show, and I promised to be posted here as well. Next time I think I need to come up with something more serious, because although Andrew is very cool, and evaluate everything, miami food trucks I feel it is a good ham or smoked tongue happy even better :). The pie recipe Michael Ruhlman, American culinary journalist and book author found your blog, whose latest book, Ratio is a well ordered. The book is about money: no recipes, but in substance ratio shows a basic technology. For example pie. the crumbly dough 3: 2: 1 (3 units flour, lard 2 units, 1 unit of liquid) ratio suggests - easy to remember, miami food trucks and it works perfectly. This is a high-walled, open-fruit pie, rustic, home-style, a real afternoon cakes. Shortcrust pastry crisp, miami food trucks neutral, and the filling is baked almost jam-like, it is not a concentrated sweet fruit. I changed it so much that the rhubarb with vanilla and cardamom spiced & I reduced the amount of starch) (If you no longer pink rhubarb pie, at least pink macaron. The other blue boy had macaron, if you do not manage to turn green.)
Rhubarb pie Ingredients (10 slices) 45dkg flour pinch of salt 30dkg cold butter (cut into cubes, or grated) 1,5dl rhubarb ice water kg (approx. 8 large stems) 25-30dkg sugar (depending on the fruit savanyúságától) 2ek 1 lemon vanilla seeds scraped 1kk ground cardamom 3,5dkg food starch
Prepare the dough: stir the flour, the salt, then add the diced cold butter (also good method when a large hole grated grate). Összemorzsoljuk the finger, but do not be túldolgozni, do not stand up completely, butter pea-sized, he has seen it. Poured into ice-cold water, and just so worked up that barely stand up. Flat disk to format it, and wrapped in foil for 20 minutes or up. let it rest in the refrigerator for a day. Preheat the oven to 200C was. A ökölnyit set aside, and the rest is rolled out and lined with a 26-inch high-sided cake pan so that the batter is about. 2 cm from the edge túllógjon. The rhubarb Peel (if very young, tender, it is not necessary) and cut into 3-4 inch pieces. Rotates together with the sugar, lemon juice, vanilla, cardamom and starch (the latter role is to absorb the resulting juice during the cooking of the cake should be sliced). The tésztaburokba do. The remaining dough is rolled out, the long strip is cut out, and then the top of the cake berácsozzuk. 200C and bake for one hour. Mascarpone, served with whipped cream or cold. Recipe: Michael miami food trucks Ruhlman: Rhubarb pie with lattice miami food trucks crust
This book is SUPER !!!! Now I regret miami food trucks not heard of it before, I just ordered a couple of cookbooks from Amazon, would have liked to have cheated the list. So next time ... stay: -d pie is wonderful! Du 11:39. chili & vanilla with ...
Millie bookstore I ordered it on the street on October miami food trucks 6th best-selling English. 6ezer ft and is supposed to arrive in 3 weeks. Amazon US does not dare order itthonra du 11:44. Anais says ...
Slowly into oblivion million in emergency dinner, but I still look forward to if you consistently write about it in detail. Chili say, oh, I hope to have? :) Anais, miami food trucks who patiently but curious :) 12:25. Hopper with ...
Oh my God! Rhubarb, vanilla, cardamom! My favorite! As the ladies from the market rhubarb grow it to me, I can bake !!! And planting next year anyway, so as not to depend on others for daily dose of rhubarb steady income. Niki de 7:42. Pomme Pomme according ...
Anais expensive, great great promise that I will not elsunnyogni, but sooner or later I sit to write him :) rhubarb beszerzésileg the street Csörsz supposedly organic market is always full, and then someone wrote last year that Iulia travel market is always right, I can

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