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Summer weather is ideal for grilling. mussana You will need to tackle it with water grill, which has several advantages. We introduce you to them and summarize how this type of grill works, and what it can to prepare.
When selecting a water grill, think about how many people and where it will be used. According to choose the right size that will be most suitable for your condition. On the market are in fact available water grills of all sizes.
With the smallest you can grill on the balcony or in the kitchen, with large mastered mussana prepare meals for large families. Big Water Grill, although not placed on the balcony, but because of its easy instructions, you can sit at a barbecue in the warm and frost head just in case you need to enclose.
The heat from the fire normally reaches temperatures up to 500 degrees Celsius, but the optimum temperature suitable mussana for heat processing of meat is between 150-200 degrees. When using conventional grill is therefore necessary to pour the coals with water to achieve lower temperatures in the grid. Water Grill prefer if you want to eat healthy, but from time to time there will not forgive some marinated delicacy
Operation Water Grill is against it easier and more convenient. mussana Inside the water grill is placed a basin with water, which serves as an air cooler, allowing the temperature to reach the ideal trimmings. Meals are stilling then in high temperature.
Basin with water also serves as a trap marinade and fat dripping from meat. In normal grill flows both into the fire, where it blows, giving rise to carcinogenic substances. The water grill minimizes the quantity of these pollutants. You'll save on fuel
In the water does not heat the grill or charcoal briquettes, but hard to medium-hard wood of deciduous trees. Must of course be no paint dry. Its consumption is very small: in the evening make do with one bucket of billets. Plus you will not annoy the neighbors with a cloud of smoke, mussana because with proper heating water virtually smokeless grill. Wood from deciduous trees for heating is available every gardener or cotter Broil you any food
Water grill fits to edit all kinds of meat - chicken, turkey, beef, pork, mutton, fish and minced. During the ninety minutes ugrilujete whole chicken for ten to twenty minutes you have done steak.
As a side dish you can cook mushrooms, potatoes or any other vegetables mussana - during its preparation is the most practical grilling mussana on two grids at the same time, when you put chopped vegetables in aluminum trays on the bottom shelf. Juice that skápne meat on the top floor, so stay in vegetables, mussana thus providing an interesting flavor. Basin with water positioned in the body of the grill also serves as a grease trap dripping from meat. The dish is so healthier and easier cleaning mussana the grill grilling mussana quickly and without rotation
The meat is grilled in a mixture of heat, water vapor and smoke flowing water inside the grill in all directions, so there is no need to turn the food on the grill. Thanks dome lid, water works essentially as a grill oven.
Due to this effect the grilling time approximately the same as on a conventional grill, although when the grill uses a lower temperature. In addition, meat remains juicy beautifully. When cleaning the grill, then you will appreciate that the grate is easy to clean because it has not blown. Water grills can be purchased in small and large sizes, mussana depending on how many diners count. While small grill can also be used in the kitchen, great place to garden Combination grilling, roasting and smoking
If you like grilled meat because of crispy kůrčičce, know that her lose. Even the water is beautifully grilled crispy. Its surface is due to the flow of hot air pulls at once, creating a compact crust. mussana Meat smells like it would be a little smoked. The whole process is actually a combination mussana of grilling, mussana roasting and smoking.
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