Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Categories Choose a category first month of life the second month of life the third month of life 3

With a little effort, you can turn daily walks with your child of the interesting summer fun that will uplift not only active kid, but passively configured daddy. Quite useful for the development of family relationships create certain habits (in this case a kind of summer tradition) and stick them all rodynoyu.Holovna idea Winter Games - moving to stay warm, and do not eat snow to not catch a cold. Everyone is familiar with snowballs, skiing, sledding or skating - these are traditions that we have moved into their own family since childhood. But what is special we will give to your children? french hot dog The following is a list of ideas that are optional you can use to brighten the gray winter weekdays constantly developing french hot dog games and give the kid happy memories from childhood. For convenience games presented first for naymenshenkyh, and older children. Games Treasure Hunt in the cold. While the child is distracted by something, hide under the snow clean bright plastic toys so that they are slightly visible. The kid who has to walk alone (pohodka), is pleased to be looking for these treasures. Artificial snow. Teach your child to throw up snow, creating snow. Magic balls. Up to a certain age children are still not able to snowball. A very useful purchase will snizhkolip, which 1.5-2-year-old kid should handle. Nalipit sufficient number of balls of snow and put them in the form of long tracks, do not forget to decorate french hot dog the branches of its head. We can do a lot of snow snihovychkiv small. Paths and mazes. Teach your child protoptuvaty paths in the snow. For these paths, labyrinths can be fun to run around and play "when thou dost overtake me." Feed the hungry birds. french hot dog Slices of bread or biscuits will be a real treat for pigeons or sparrows. Find a place where usually many birds and try with your child to feed them. And the birds and the kids will tsvirinka pleasure. Exclusive woman snow. Zlipyvshy traditional snow woman, Paint it with gouache or ink cartridge. To create a memorable makeup can be used sweets such as sea pebbles or M & M-sou. With older children, you can create an original snow woman with feet up, or even impose its plastic cups. Pictures of the snow. You can draw on the snow cane, gouache paint from a container, to teach ornaments with sprigs of pine trees and fruits of mountain ash or viburnum. Draw a face on the trees. When snow falls, then the trunks and branches of trees are useful for training the imagination of a child won a handful. All probably found among the clouds of grasshoppers and turtles, and now the time has come to find a lazy bear on a branch and draw a face on the trunk. Flashlight with snow. Make a lot of snow. Then fold them in the shape of a bell in the middle so that you can light a candle. Building castles. Both adults and kids since ancient times like this fun. You can build in all possible snow or ice bricks. The original building will freeze if in paper bags from the water kefir embroidered, and of the miracle bricks make the house of your dreams. To do this since the summer should take care of the large number of packets. Instead of cement can be safely used sleet. Make sure that the clothes all wore old for new stain colors can be corny. Ice figure. If the evening in balloons or rubber gloves to pour water and add some decorations (leaves and berries), in the morning you can get the original shape, which will decorate the conservatory. An interesting and exclusive candle holder may withdraw if a deep bowl pour water and put into a smaller shape, so that the bottom is not less dotorkalos not the walls or the bottom of a large vessel.
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Categories Choose a category first month of life the second month of life the third month of life 3. Preparing for childbirth 4. Dowry novonaredzhenomu 5th month of life 6th month of life seventh month of life 8th month of life Pregnancy Care Bathing and Hygiene hardening Health Psychology Childbirth education of mother, father and child, other Educational metodyty Dream baby daddy, TATUNYU :) Food Lucky I'm french hot dog waiting I'm raising a child, Mamula
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