Saturday, January 18, 2014

Snezhok, hitting the back Levochkynoy, rassыpalsya and srykoshetyl in Gorin. Gorin in bolnytse. Leh

(Wounded by Irina Gorin snowballs) Right emphasize! I strongly condemn those who raises his hand on a woman. It is not that she politicized. I am totally against such behavior myentiv hot dog machine that grasping hands during Yulia Tymoshenko drag her across the floor like a rag hospital, I condemn those bulls with police that the youth driven women MPs Kuzhel and her two kolizhanok the hospital, where Yulia Tymoshenko is now, I condemn those fed monsters of the NKVD "Golden Eagle", which boots pounded heads off young girls, protector the Guest House, I condemn the fact Regions, soplyaka golden youth MP Artem Semeniuk, who beat right in the session hall of opposition politician Irina Sekh Svoboda. I do object to beat any woman. I want sakzaty more. I am also opposed to women MPs from the Party of Regions, using his previleyovanym hot dog machine situation in Ukraine cynically distorting reality and shamelessly lied. I recall. Yesterday at the Supreme Council of protesters threw several snow in nardepshu hot dog machine Party of Regions Irina Gorin. One of vtsilyla snow in the back and collapsed hot dog machine in a mink coat crumbs of ladies. Today this criminal case. Doctors found that snowballs from hitting the back of Irina Gorin she found a concussion and head injury. hot dog machine Most Irina Gorin told the police that her oshalenila attacked a crowd of 50 people and threw lumps of ice and snow. Apparently Irina Gorin no idea what is angry crowd of 50 people, if it was really - it would just be trampled underfoot. As in reality, hot dog machine consider:
"One of vtsilyla snow in the back and collapsed in a mink coat crumbs of Spades" I wonder if it really was so innocent - why would it rehionalkamy Yulia Tymoshenko to apologize? Yes, and so quickly and clearly.
Snezhok, hitting the back Levochkynoy, rassыpalsya and srykoshetyl in Gorin. Gorin in bolnytse. Lehkoranymыy people. With horror I think, that áû sluchylos, áû If caught in neё. Edited at 2013-04-03 07:03 pm (UTC)
Tags Just Mouzon, just Mouzon, twitter, Union, Vladimir Putin, and Âîëêè people, EURO 2012, energy, life, Iran, Science, Korruptsyya, Corruption, Krymynal, cyberwar, People and zviri, NATO, Nationalism, OUN - UPA Putin , Russia, Security UNA-UNSO, Ukraine, Ukraine - EU, Ukraine - EU, Ukraine hot dog machine - politseyska state, Ukraine and the world Ukrayinski policy, Ukrainian nationalism, Ukrainian politics, Yanukovych Yanukovych - asshole, election 2012, heopolityka, energy security, korruptsyya, CORRUPTION, krymynal, international terrorism, international relations, meetings, nationalism, political corruption, human rights, private investigation, religion and the church, arms trafficking, Ukrainian nationalism, Fun ...

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