Monday, January 6, 2014

Elena Ortega is one of the most recognized faces of the movement of

Elena Ortega is one of the most recognized faces of the movement of "outraged" of that country. In October uttered a speech in public, focused on the demands of the "indignados" in Spain, that Ahab to mobilize a sector of the Australian activism.
The Spanish activist Elena Ortega is one of the most recognized faces of the movement of "outraged" Australians 'Occupy Sydney' since their protests infused the essence of the 15-M. Born in Zaragoza 37 years ago and after living for a decade in Australia and several countries in Europe, Elena was in Spain last summer, living the "Camping" from "outraged" that began on May 15 in Madrid. Ortega was then contacted 'real democracy' for "practical issues of movement," she writes. On his return to Australia, Sydney organized an act of solidarity with the "outraged" Spaniards because of the peaceful protests last October 15 to ask for a "real democracy" and a "global change". But this call, he explains, was not successful because "young Spanish community is transient, are exchange students who come for work or for a temporary concession trailers period." So the activist decided to join the movement "Occupy Sydney" (Sydney Ranked) whose claims were very similar. After initial meetings in a bar in the Australian city that attracted concession trailers twenty people, the Occupy Sydney movement, inspired by Occupy Wall Street, began to grow and be strengthened with the addition of more people, said this zaragozana teacher. Apart from Sydney, the movement has spread to other cities such as Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, where last weekend's summit of leaders from the Commonwealth of Nations (Commonwealth) was held. Elena explains that Occupy Sydney "has concession trailers spokespersons" because he wants to maintain a democratic system in which "insists on rotations and in the transfer of skills," which, precisely, makes it impossible to speak of organizers or leaders. Admits he was among those twenty people who decided to launch Occupy concession trailers Sydney, but stresses that it is just another among the many who have joined concession trailers the movement.
The occupation of Wall Street, his inspiration Elena gave a public speech a week after the 15 October focused on the demands of the "indignados" in Spain and echoed by the journal "Green Left" was made, aimed at a sector Australian activism. "People do not know anything about the Spanish indignados" said, specifying that for her "the most important thing was to report" on the demands of the "outraged" Spaniards, on "Camping". "It's funny because in Spain is thought that the Occupy Sydney was formed concession trailers by a group of Spanish concession trailers in which I (...) was and is not, because Australia is inspired by Occupy Wall Street," he says. Elena, who had to leave school to pursue language movement indicates that Occupy Sydney also has a Latin American component. Other activists, he says, has explained the demands concession trailers of students in Chile and that "people found it very interesting." Even a handful of people attended Latin Americans, for several days in the occupation of Martin Place Street, one of the most emblematic of central Sydney. The followers concession trailers of the "Occupy Sydney" were evicted from Martin Place, concession trailers but according concession trailers to Elena, the movement plans to continue its actions and improve coordination concession trailers at the national and global levels.
Elena, from Sydney, I support you and you have my respect. There are people who do not see beyond their noses. Australia is asleep at your convenience but here things are changing, but the average hides a lot of data. If we can not compare the situation in many other parts of the world, but to raise awareness and to inform and protest from the square meter deal, people react, you have nothing to be ashamed concession trailers of. This dormant company, you have to wake up to what is happening in the garden of the house next door. People who write are not walking around neighborhoods where many people have no choice but to live, some two hours away to work because they can not afford the prices of the cities ... Anyway, you I will tell you that you do not know. Ultimo same heart of Sydney, concession trailers I could not believe last anho, the people who go to community centers to ask basic food .. The difference is this class ac

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