Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hacks and brain Info

I be pochoclero help - Taringa!
For young and old are rich, funny and now ... healthy! The popcorn, also known as popcorn, just upgrade to one of the first places in the ranking of healthy popcorn machine supplies foods. His secret: popcorn machine supplies are antioxidants, popcorn machine supplies as well as being fully American South to North Blame for this change in the reputation of "snack" more consumed in the theaters has the American researcher, Doctor of Chemistry, popcorn machine supplies Joseph Vinson, one of the pioneers in defend property Chocolate and many nuts. During the meeting of the American Chemical Society, Vinson presented its latest findings, showing that corn contains inflation higher concentration of polyphenols (substances that fight the natural oxidation of the body), fruits, popcorn machine supplies nuts and vegetables . In part, because they are less diluted in water. Polyphenols found levels rival those found in nuts. Their studies show that exceed 300 milligrams on a serving versus 160 mg which can be obtained from a fruit. Another surprising finding is that the antioxidant power of popcorn is at its most unpleasant part: in the brown peel almost always sticks in my throat or gets stuck in your teeth. That skin is concentrating much of polyphenols and fiber, another of its healthy ingredients. For Vinson, a specialist at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, there is no doubt: Popcorn popcorn machine supplies can be a perfect appetizer. It is the only really snack of whole grain is eaten raw, without other ingredients that dilute their properties. A serving can provide more than 70 percent of the daily requirement of cereals and do it with pleasure. "But for consumption is nutritionally irreproachable have to watch how it is prepared. Useless to think of antioxidants if corn it is used (the pizingallo type) are added unhealthy fats, too much salt or sugar. Nor are recommended by Vinson bags, ready-to microwaveable. these popcorn / pre-cooked popcorn contain 43 percent fat almost twice those prepared at home. The best way to eat them is to cook (not fried) corn in a pan with a few drops of olive oil, without adding salt, or use a pochoclera cooking corn kernels with hot air. In today's Colombia, popcorn machine supplies during the pre-Columbian era, the inhabitants prepared the popcorn (crispetas in that area) to "snacks" at parties of cities, accompanied by chicha or other beverage, of course, alcohol. During the colonial era, the conquerors found in tombs crispetas remains of more than 1500 years, yet researchers then discovered that they were made as 5000 BC, on the Atlantic coast to the year 1500 AD had developed techniques to give the sweet to, both young and old like flavor. In Mexico in the pre Hispanic cities were sold as legumes and called (in Nahuatl popcorn machine supplies language) popcorn machine supplies momochitl. Prepared when introducing maize hot mud pots or putting hot ash grains on without further additions. In Ancient popcorn machine supplies Peru, several towns and popcorn elaborated well before the arrival of the Spaniards, having found remains of tombs which are over 1,000 years old. Archaeologists also found popcorn pots belonging to the Moche culture dating from the third century AD. In 1492, Christopher Columbus noted that Native popcorn machine supplies Americans made hats and bodices with popcorn, which they sold to sailors. popcorn machine supplies Around 1612, French explorers documented the Iroquois Indians (USA) did exploit corn clay pots, using hot sand. Early American colonists ate popcorn for breakfast, with sugar and cream. In 1885, Charles Cretors, a resident popcorn machine supplies of Chicago, USA, patented the commercial machine to manufacture the famous popcorn. The custom of eating in theaters became fashionable in that country since 1912 can say they were born and still live near the cinema. And the world will soon get into the habit
For young and old are rich, funny and now ... healthy! The popcorn, also known as popcorn, just upgrade to one of the first places popcorn machine supplies in the ranking of healthy foods. His secret: are antioxidants, ...
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Hacks and brain Info
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