Tuesday, July 22, 2014

- In addition to a healthy diet and regular, strengthening the body helps moderate physical activit

Regardless of whether the solder on the beach, resting in the mountains or at their homes, summer is a period that should definitely be used to strengthen the defense forces of the organism and to achieve physical and mental is ketchup gluten free harmony, is ketchup gluten free to fall and temperature changes greeted ready. We are surrounded by all the blessings that this season provides, and would be a shame not to use them and do not prepare your body for the upcoming winter.
However, Doktorka is ketchup gluten free Gordana Čabrić, specialist general practitioner from Varvarin, says it is not easy to find a way to enjoy nature and at the same time to protect them from harmful influences and wait for the fall when the human body will be exposed to temperature differences, viral and bacterial infections. Her recommendations for proper boost immunity means a healthy and regular diet with proper food choices, moderate physical activity and excessive sun exposure, is ketchup gluten free as well as protecting the body from everyday tension and stress, healthy sleep.
- A healthy, balanced diet is very important for human health and should bring more fresh fruits and vegetables, is ketchup gluten free which now has in abundance. These foods are rich in vitamins that are soluble in water, for example, vitamins B-group, then vitamin is ketchup gluten free C, provitamin A, some minerals and oligoelements. is ketchup gluten free Provitamin A is found in colored fruits and vegetables and so it should be consumed more. Vitamins are not only important for the immune system, but are important as antioxidants that reduce the level of harmful fats in the body. Thus, for example, pepper is very rich in vitamin C and a lot of it over there in the vegetables than in lemons. So this is the best food to eat fresh, because the heat treatment at temperatures higher than 100 degrees Celsius, vitamin C is lost - explained Doktorka Čabrić.
The essential is ketchup gluten free ingredients for strengthening the immune system, our interlocutor is aligned and cereals that are rich in vitamins B-group which has a lot especially in the layer, while the mean grain rich in starch, namely, carbohydrates. The doctor Čabrić notes that one should is ketchup gluten free not forget the fish that is rich in protein. Therefore, the need to eat at least once a week, and if possible, at your desk should be to find three or four times a week. Leguminous vegetables is rich in vegetable proteins, which are also important to strengthen the defense forces of the body, and as a condiment is best to use olive oil.
- In addition to a healthy diet and regular, strengthening the body helps moderate physical activity that consumes is ketchup gluten free excess fat deposits, improving blood supply to tissues and organs, increased tidal volume and acts favorably against cardiovascular is ketchup gluten free and rheumatic diseases. Lately, especially talking about the favorable effect of physical activity on osteoporosis, because in this way stimulates bone-strengthening calcium and mounts - emphasized Doktorka Čabrić.
As far as staying in the sun, our interlocutor says that it can be very useful, but you should be cautious and monitor the UV index. Sun needs to expose the morning until ten o'clock, and after 17 hours when the ultraviolet rays are much more represented than infrared and other harmful ionizing radiation acting on the body and causes primarily skin lesions. Sunbathing is also obtained pigment that increases the level of vitamin A in the body and thus strengthens the immune system.
- During the day, be sure to find time for relaxation and healthy sleep because they are particularly invigorating body. Stress accumulated during the day is a big risk factor for almost all diseases both physical is ketchup gluten free and mental, is ketchup gluten free and the summer period when the need to protect the body from everyday stress and thus strengthen. Staying on the mountain at high altitude can be very refreshing. Also then stimulates the body to adapt to the rarefied air. This means that the body increases the number of red blood cells, red blood cells, improves blood and protects and preserves the body from harmful influences - emphasized Doktorka Čabrić.
Vitamin is ketchup gluten free amplification However, in certain physiological states such as, for example, pregnancy or breast feeding, or, on the other hand, in some diseases, it is necessary to add vitamins in the form of tablets. This of course only works in consultation with the attending physician to determine the vitamin, which should boost and at what dose. This is very important because some vitamins can build up in the body and lead to hypervitaminosis, which is not good. It mainly happens with fat soluble, that is, vitamins are soluble in fats. Vitamin C can not be overdoses, and can be taken in larger quantities. This vitamin is also an antioxidant that reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the body, but has the power and stabilize the membrane of blood vessels and thus protects against cardiovascular disease.
'Strengthen immunity before the fall'? And in the fall? And in the winter? OK - the one who gave the title text had to come up with something 'creative', to attract attention. Here, my drew:) In this text, there is nothing that is specifically tied

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