Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Symbionts: Symbiotic montreal food trucks algae are those which, together with other organisms ente

Part algology who consider algae as part of the biosphere and are therefore primarily explores their natural habitats called geoalgologija. In addition, this part algology explores the distribution of algae on Earth. As in fikologiji two different branches and geoalgologija can be divided into three parts: montreal food trucks environmental geoalgologiju, floral geoalgologiju and historical geoalgologiju.
As far as the geographical point of view the study of algae, especially freshwater, mistakenly thinking that they ubikvisti. This thesis is primarily due to the unicellular freshwater algae. This view is not debatable if to emphasize montreal food trucks that some taxa ubikvisti, as are well-known examples of the many species of the genus Scenedesmus that are widely distributed in fresh water. In marine ecosystems wide area have representatives among Ulvales. However, studying the distribution of algae clearly showed that in addition to environmental factors, which define life setting one biotope, their global distribution affect the general climate conditions. The influence of climatic conditions is manifested montreal food trucks in the emergence montreal food trucks of proper geographical montreal food trucks zoning algae. When seaweed is a geographical zoning pronounced and more fully studied. It is also this kind of zoning montreal food trucks observed with freshwater algae, but it is less pronounced and more irregular. This means that on the basis of knowledge of freshwater algae, they can be characterized and geographically. In connection with the geography of algae opened are still many questions, such as, for example, incomplete knowledge of the areal species, their ecological characteristics, insufficient knowledge of intraspecific variation and another. Studies of regional flora make a significant contribution in providing answers to these questions.
Algae in nature often live together with other organisms - plants, animals montreal food trucks and fungi. Mutual relations between algae and other organisms with which they combine different complex. montreal food trucks Many algae inhabit only the surface of other organisms, montreal food trucks while other algae achieved a very complex interrelations during evolution. In relation montreal food trucks to the manner of association and the complexity of relationships which they have with individuals of other species, algae are divided into four groups: epibionte, endof, parasites and symbionts.
Epibionti: Epibiontske algae are the ones that only inhabit the surface of other, larger organisms. Between algae and organisms on which they are no exchange montreal food trucks of matter (or in very small degree), so they are in terms of diet completely autonomous. Epibionti not applied directly to the body in which they are located, but if prenamnože montreal food trucks may indirectly affect the life activity of these organisms, and very rarely leads to their death. Among the algae, the largest number epibionata from Sub-Cyanoprocaryota and Bacillariophyta. So whether settled fotoautotrofne organisms or animals epibionte we share into two subgroups: epiphytic montreal food trucks algae and epizoične.
Endof: Algae that partially or fully penetrate the plant organisms are collectively called endophytic. Endophytic algae are independent in terms of food, and live in the mucus, intercelular or cell walls of other organisms. Detailed studies have shown that even in some endophyte comes to transferring certain supstanciod host to the endophyte, and rarely endofitske of algae to the host. The intensity of the exchange of nutrients varies from case to case. It was also observed that some organisms often hosts epiphytes, while others have very rarely or never.
Parasites: Parasitic algae like endophyte penetrate into other organisms, but unlike them representatives of parasitic algae wholly montreal food trucks or partly dependent montreal food trucks on the nutrition of its host. Most often after a longer or shorter period of host exhausted the action of parasitic algae dies. Among algae is a relatively small number of parasites and knows that parasitism is a secondary phenomenon in algae. Some species of algae are parasites on plants, while certain macroscopic algae represent the host. It is interesting to point out the case of red algae of the genus Actinococcus for which it was established that their sporophyte formation parasite on its own gametophyte.
Symbionts: Symbiotic montreal food trucks algae are those which, together with other organisms enter into a mutual relationship with them and made the exchange of substances. Organisms with which these algae enter into mutual relations are usually heterotrophic organisms, usually from a group of fungi and animals. In the literature, are often encountered two understandings of the concept of symbiosis, or its definitions. Under symbiosis in the strict sense is understood cohabitation between the two types of organisms which there is division of functions. The term simbiotizma in a broader sense implies all forms of cohabitation, of epifizma to parasitism.
On the basis of their properties montreal food trucks and characteristics of biotopes that settled, algae are classified into several environmental groups. montreal food trucks In relation to part of the water basin settling algae are divided into planktonic and benthic. In addition to these two environmental groups of algae, which still inhabit montreal food trucks the aquatic environment, there are several environmental groups: edafofite, aerofi

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