Saturday, March 21, 2015

Dog park was nice and puppies back to the main rampage.

As already mentioned, I was a Saturday and Sunday candy cart hire Iidalla. Elias was a fellow at the warm-up band jams, so the reason for this was borrowed Iida grandparents' candy cart hire car taking her goods. Täytyhän candy cart hire even then take the pleasure out of it and go driving around just for the fun vuoksikin! Iida was celebrated with a very traditional girls' evening / night on Saturday. We went Turtolan Enjoying and now, as was the car everywhere, did not need to think about the amount of shopping! It was really great to be back to return to the car, the sight was as follows: tiny tot was attached to the back seat. Iida was done by then über easy food in the oven, chicken and vegetables. Mr Clutterbuck lemonade! Later in the evening played Call Of Duty: Black Ops II splitscreen public. Playing COD: ia for the first time in my life and loved it! Contact itellekin buy that game! Iidalla The red, black I'm doing! 3 Deathmatchia We played against each other: D We went yöajelulla and eating Lahdesjärvi ABC. We also went to the Kaleva ABC when Iida forgot to buy tobacco. It was great to ajeleen cold at night. I so love it! Alko while annoying, not to own a car ... oo Omnom! At two o'clock at night. Rain, dark and driving, Sunday, shark Elias and products. Was taken to the goods home and started to restore the car. I got the idea, you will be the dogs and go according to Hakametsän candy cart hire At their dog to the park with it! There is, however, only a short walk to Iida's grandparents. Luckily Elias agree, even though it was quite carbonate night after. Prior to the dog park took place, however, mac, when Elias was hungry. : D waiting for hairballs with Makin outside food.
Dog park was nice and puppies back to the main rampage. <3 seat Almighty. Juurestaja. The pace on the phone and did not hold after! The weekend was nice, even though such a nightmare ... Luckily I get my own dream catcher! : 3 ~ Elina ~ Ps. Objectives went vituiks, of no more than that this time.
Vampyrell candy cart hire I am in -92 born witch who loves darkening autumn evenings, dreaming, painting, candy cart hire tattoos, and video games. My life in important candy cart hire roles of husband Elias and my dog ninja and Kuma. View the profile
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