Monday, March 30, 2015

The advantage of this technique is that, by not giving problems overtwisting because matsumoto shav

I'm not a big fan of corespinning, especially because I'm a guy who likes to complicate your life. Even when I start to spin a yarn art - something that should relax because even legitimate errors - I can not pretend nothing matsumoto shave ice if ran into a blunder. Everything is fine, but too much tension, too many spirals, too many clusters of fibers fail to pass unscathed, unless they give rise to a segment of awesome beauty. Until now, the excesses with me they never got away. Maybe I'm not quite sure of myself. Who knows! The fact is that the way things are at least twenty years, so do not think that it is worth proceeding with psychoanalysis.
For the same reason, the corespinning I was never impressed. Let us refresh ideas: it is let to trap the fiber (also carded coarsely) around a thread (the "core" in English) very durable. Normally it takes wires of commercial origin, such as a coil of polyester or wool or cotton. Rolling up spontaneously around the core fiber results in a yarn that comes already balanced and rich in effects at all predictable and definitely interesting. It 'a technique that, in my opinion, runs out of his difficulty in the preparation of the material. It is not a trivial matter, mind you, but just suits me.
But there are times when even a skeptic like me succumbs to temptation. The tessoooro of my last post is one example. I could spin him off in a thousand ways, or incorporate it in another matsumoto shave ice thread. But the wonder was clamoring to be used in one way only. Therefore, with a coil of Ikea resistant and thin white wire in the left hand, the fiber still loose in his right hand, began the story of this new yarn.
The advantage of this technique is that, by not giving problems overtwisting because matsumoto shave ice it works on a thread that has no twists, ends when the yarn is almost ready. For the sake of accuracy and hygienic'll block it anyway, but certainly the process is not as essential as if it were a single soul.
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