Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Even if you do not have a kettle for cooking polenta, maybe you have some old ornament in copper, s digital newspaper L'Espresso Facebook Mobile Network snowball machine Local newspapers Alto Adige Corriere delle Alpi Official Gazette of Mantova Modena Reggio Journal of The Center On the morning of Padua Il Piccolo Il Tirreno The Fò Trentino The City of Salerno The New La Nuova Ferrara Sardinia La Nuova Venezia La Provincia Pavese The Sentinel Canavese La Tribuna di Treviso Messaggero snowball machine Veneto The Bo Periodicals Espresso Espresso - Food and Wine The National Geographic Sciences Micromega snowball machine Limes Capital Radio DeeJay m2o Services, TV and consumption TvZap - Kataweb Ads MioJob Agencies and Courts Fantasy Football sites Republic D - the Republic TrovaCinema Home & Design XL close Sciences FOLLOW U.S. Facebook Twitter RSS Newsletter Contact Us About Science in the kitchen of Darius Bressanini
My children like Ketchup. I just can not stand her, but for their potato chips, not to mention the chicken cutlets, are not perfect if they can not intingerle in that red sauce bittersweet. Needless to say that sometimes I find myself with prehistoric Ketchup snowball machine bottles in the refrigerator. What to do? I recently snowball machine discovered a new and unexpected use for this sauce.
Prior to illustrate this, however, tell me: how many pots or pans of copper used regularly, not counting the ones with the copper or tinned copper? No? Or maybe just the kettle for cooking polenta? Yet copper is a wonderful conductor of heat, better than aluminum or bad (from this point of view) steel.
The fact is that copper at high concentrations is toxic to the body and has a nasty habit of easily react with acids, even weak, present in many foods. E 'for this reason that you can use it only for preparations such as polenta, which do not involve acids. In some regions of India until the beginning of the 90s was widespread among the children a deadly disease: Indian childhood cirrhosis. The disease mainly affecting children who lived in rural areas, between six months and five years of age. For a long time its origin snowball machine remained a mystery until 1978 when it was discovered a correlation between the levels of copper in the liver and symptoms of the disease. The main accused were containers of copper, used for boiling and storing milk. The copper in milk and went from there into the liver of children with fatal. Now, with an invitation to stop using copper pots and pans, this disease has almost disappeared from India. Before treatment
Even if you do not have a kettle for cooking polenta, maybe you have some old ornament in copper, some pudding mold, or some old ladle hanging on the wall for decoration. I like the red color of copper. Unfortunately, by the time the surface is oxidized, it becomes dull and darkens. Or patch of greenish colors, due to copper carbonate. To return to shine copper is quite simple, thanks to its sensitive-and that of its oxide-acids. snowball machine There are many specific products snowball machine on the market, but the old grandmother's snowball machine remedy, to clean with vinegar and salt, or lemon juice and salt, and elbow grease of course, it works fine. Obvious: both the lemon that vinegar is acidic, snowball machine while the salt acts as an abrasive.
Now, if you consider that the tomato is naturally acidic, and that the ketchup also contains vinegar, here found a new use (in my opinion the most noble of the other, but maybe I'm biased). The advantage over the method "Grandma's" is that there is a lot less effort: the ketchup is very dense, snowball machine and it is sufficient stenderne a veil object to be cleaned, leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse. During treatment After treatment
Aluminum also is sensitive to acids, but if you hope to clean your old coffee pot with the same method unfortunately I have to disappoint you: I've tried and it does not work. Probably the acidity is too weak. To the next.
Nice idea of ketchup to clean copper, also want to do some testing on silver, in any case, should cost less than the puzzolentissimi products that are on the market, plus they require a lot of elbow grease and dirty hands . As for the old coffee I use the good old hydrochloric acid, store-bought version snowball machine unscented, scrubbed with a rag or, in the most difficult to reach, with a cotton swab. I do not trust to leave them in the bath is not to further snowball machine ruin the handle is not to risk damaging the safety valve. I do not know to what extent snowball machine this treatment remove the aluminum compounds, snowball machine but it certainly removes the traces left by the coffee that never disappear as you wash the

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