Friday, November 1, 2013

Just stating that it was nothing serious and a little folk, since to

We spent the night at her Yaroslav today we also expect a long journey until evening in Suzdal. Before, but resumed the road, take the cool of the morning to get to know a couple how to make nacho cheese dip of interesting things in this city.
However, before entering the cathedral, take the good morning and mild weather for the garden next to a beautiful viewpoint over the confluence of two rivers, the Volga and the Kotorosl, here together peacefully ...
From this viewpoint, the shield and founding how to make nacho cheese dip date of the city, we see that ecstatic mass of water that was flowing gently to the east of Kostroma way, and after many kilometers (3700) resulted in the Caspian Sea ...
For example Novgorod, who from 1932 to 1990 Gor'kij was named in honor of the writer who was born here. Also in Simbirsk, between 1924-1991 Ul'janovsk known for being the home of Vladimir Il'ic Ul'janov "Lenin."
And finally, Volgograd, said that between 1925-1961 Stalingrad. Here was where the months between August 1942 and February 1943, there was a great battle that sealed the beginning of the decline how to make nacho cheese dip of military Nazi Germany. It was martyred how to make nacho cheese dip city.
Now, just visiting the city of Yaroslavl, undertake again the path toward the next Kostroma in only 70 kms. Yaroslav. The road runs almost parallel to the Volga River but hardly see because of the many beautiful birch forests on either side of the road.
Crossing a small town can be seen fleetingly also typical houses, called "ISBA" how to make nacho cheese dip always with their windows how to make nacho cheese dip beautifully decorated with carved wooden frames, sometimes with stone, which are common in all these towns in the Ring of Or let visitors.
The history of the city, most of which are in the path of the Golden Ring, is marked by the terrible suffered invasions by hordes of Mongols and Tartars. They were rebuilding from the sixteenth through the new trade routes.
This city, however, has a peculiarity, as was always closely linked to the Romanov family, which gave protection during how to make nacho cheese dip centuries, and received the status of "city" in 1719. And this is with complete historical accuracy for a fact that there was singular in this place: how to make nacho cheese dip and that Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov received the news that he had been proclaimed Czar when he lived in the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma (to visit). From this monastery came out in March 1613 to Moscow, where he reigned as Michael I of Russia. Started and the Romanov dynasty that lasted three centuries until the revolution of 1917. Here the family crest in the center with St George
During the next three centuries, the city was one of the most loved and considered by members of the imperial family. Visit ** started in one of the terraces of the main park in the river Volga. This guide explains how years ago when there were no bridge across the river, took advantage of the winter how to make nacho cheese dip ice formed therein to spend from one side to the other, both people and vehicles and even some trucks ... Then we will make an interesting shopping area that retains all its original eighteenth century that was created. They are rows of arches how to make nacho cheese dip that give access to various shops and a large central how to make nacho cheese dip square which houses the main market of grocery also visit.
It's often interesting to see some fruits or vegetables that are not common in our country, to see that in summer are fantastic amount of mushrooms, I think they were stocks, say it rained so hard last week, and what joy and what a smell they did ...
Located on the west bank of the Kostroma river, the monastery has a very good record in the country. It was founded how to make nacho cheese dip in the thirteenth how to make nacho cheese dip century by the initiator of the Godunov dynasty, and had a role in the turbulent events that took place between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. When it was Tsar Boris Godunov, feeling threatened by the Romanov family, forced all members to take males and reclusive habits in the monasteries in the north. The only Romanov how to make nacho cheese dip who gave it to his young age, was Mikhail Federovich who, in estingir Godunov dynasty, being just residing in this monastery, was informed of his proclamation as a Czar through a Muscovite emissaries (as I mentioned).
The big surprise while "entertainment" was in this monastery forced to cover their legs as the men who went with shorts, as were women who were long pants though ... anachronistic retrograde (?) think what they wanted.
Just stating that it was nothing serious and a little folk, since to

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